Howdy everyone,
While I miss home (*read double ply toilet paper, hot showers, cold milk and cereal, just kidding) and have been thinking about all of you a lot, I have been doing well here in Peru. I have had the fortune to be involved in many different projects and events that have made me feel proud to be in the Peace Corps.
Most recently, my sitemate Diamond and I wrote a grant for the annual youth camp with all the other volunteers in the department of Cajamarca. The event, called camp VALOR (value), is a three day event where we will do workshops over self-esteem, leadership, healthing life-habits, and vocational orientation for high school boys from all over the region (we also do one for the girls ). We will also be doing team building games and even have a panel of local professionals present their careers. For many of these kids, they have never even left their home towns, let alone attend any kind of leadership conference or camp. In the past this has been one of Peace Corps Peru's most successful annual programs for youth.
However, the only way we are able to run the camp is to get donations from both local communities and family and friends back home. The idea is that if we can get at least 40% of the money/materials necessary from local counterparts, then we will do our best to find the rest from other sources to make it all happen.
If every volunteer does their part then the amount I need to raise is minimal. So here is where I humbly ask for your help in making this camp a success and to give these youth leaders an opportunity of a lifetime; an opportunity that could lead them to a better future. This year we picked the theme of the camp to be 'Imagining a Peru without Machismo' (sexism).
If you would like to donate (even a tiny bit helps us get there) please simply follow This LINK to an official United States Peace Corps web site where you can not only donate but see our progress to our goal as well as read more about camp VALOR.
I can't thank you all enough for the support you have already given me during my service and I thank you in advance for your continued support.
Sincerely with gratitude,