This week I was proposed marriage during a drinking circle, by an elderly mad who was intermittently falling asleep on himself and accidently spitting on his shirt front. On my way out of Bambamarca on Sunday afternoon with my family the mayor of my town called me over to a store front near the paradero (the location where the trucks pick up and drop off from my town, each town has their own specific spot in Bambamarca). I decided to join the drinking circle, because it was the first time the mayor had expressed interest in talking with me. He had previously been really good at brushing me off-so I gladly walked over. I want to be this guy’s friend, because he could be a great asset for any projects I start. Also the political system in Peru seems pretty convoluted in general and I am going to need some help figuring out how to get through all the paperwork to get projects off the ground.
I’m pretty sure the mayor and his new regidores where at least one beer case deep when I joined up, so I didn’t get in a lot of serious business talk with the mayor. However, he did offer to help me with funding t-shirts as a surprise for my English class students. Also he said he was really happy to have another volunteer in the community and was looking forward to working with me. It was actually the mayor’s elderly uncle who proposed to me. He woke up and simply told me that he wanted to marry me. Then he proceeded to try to spit on the ground, but miss and hit his shirt. It was ridiculous-such a great moment. I excused myself from the drinking circle and caught the next truck up the mountain.
The rest of the week was English class in the morning and encuestas in the afternoon. Except on Monday, after class I stayed in bed the rest of the day. On Sunday in Bambamarca before the drinking circle my host dad Joel treated everyone to juice in the market. I am convinced that the juice was with crude water and that’s what made me sick. My family thinks it’s because I blew them off at the paradero to stay behind and join the mayor’s drinking circle. I need to mention that ‘juice’ in Peru often means water blended with fruit. My host grandma in Lima used to make me ‘juice’ all the time. It was always hot, because she boiled the water.
This week I started learning how to crochet. My mom has taught me before in the states, but I didn’t retain it from lack of use. My Peruvian mom is teaching me how to crochet a ‘fondo’ for a skirt. The women all wear their skirts with a crocheted layer underneath for warmth. I guess I’m going to start dressing like the locals. When I finish up my fondo all I’ll need to do is go out and buy a campo skirt.
I also had a scabies scare this week. I am waiting to hear back from the Peace Corps doctors. I have been waking up every morning for the last month and a half with bites on my waist and ankles. It wasn’t really that bad, until recently the itching started waking me up in the night. So I called the doctors and based on my symptoms I may have scabies. Pretty gross, huh? Anyways, I’m emailing a picture of my spots and the doctors are going to look at and try to figure out if I’ve got scabies, ewww. ***Please do not let scabies deter anyone potential visitors!!! I promise it is unusual even for Peru!**** Also sidenote-I’d also like to state for the record that I bathe and I’m a clean person. Just in case people were thinking I’m disgusting for having scabies…but hey, I wanted to be Peace Corps volunteer and this is just a part of the experience, right?
Friday I came into Chota for my friend Ellie’s birthday. There wasn’t cake so we had birthday churros, which were very delicious. I also got to go to Serpost. Thanks for the letters; Mrs. Moran, Mom, Aunt Jenny, and Ally. Also thanks for the packages; Kwapis, Racizzle, Snow White, and Nana. I am especially excited about my new copy of Bridesmaids. I don’t think the rural Peruvian women at my site will be able to handle it, but my fellow volunteers will sure appreciate the humor. Thanks again.
Some of my students working on drawing community maps. |
In Cajamarca with the other cajachicas. |
These ladies are preparing the food for the post swearing in ceremony lunch. |
Cuys to be cooked. |
The mayor and his regidores being sworn in last week. |
A series of pictures of my host dad Joel goofing off at the internet cafe while he is waiting for me to skype my family. I caught him watching these little boys playing their video games. |
More pictures of the market in Bambamarca. |
This is how full the trucks are when we drive to and from my site into Bamba. |
more cute pictures of my students |
Scabies, no!! I had fleas in my apartment in BG (all hardwood floors too) and it made me feel like such a gross person. Sometimes those things can't be helped though.
ReplyDeleteWe should just have a joint wedding! Haha.
I think it's hilarious they drive Toyotas in Peru. Also love those ladies' hats.
ReplyDeletelol Kate, I love that you're learning to crochet... perfect timing, cuz I just learned last week! We need to swap patterns sometime and be all dorky like that! :-D